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Prof. Dr. Wonha AHN
    * PNU is the abbreviation for Pusan National University.

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Theses for Degrees
3. Book
4. Articles
5. Project
  • Kwang-Sam MOON(Chief Researcher)/Myung-Gil KIM/Kwang-Jun TSCHE/Wonha AHN, Environmental Right as a Fundamental Right and Protection of Environment as a National Goal - Choice for Protection of Environment in Constitutional Policy and Its Effectiveness : Constitutional Norm and Constitutional Realities in Korea and in Germany -, Korea Research Foundation, Joint research with a great foreign scholar (Prof. Dr. Michael Kloepfer, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany), Dec. 1997 ~ Nov. 1998.
6. Additional Activities
7. Honors & Awards
Prof. Ahn's Office, School of Law, Pusan Natl. Univ., Pusan 46241 Korea Top
Office +82-51-510-2502 | Assistants +82-51-510-1580 | Fax +82-51-980-0916
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