- 1. Criminal Law I (Law School)
This course takes the form of a lecture. The students must attend the lecture regularly. They take the mid-term and the final exam. They work furthermore on their homeworks twice.
- 2. General Theories of Criminal Justice (Graduate School)
The attendee presents his research plan in the first meeting which includes a subject and a reading program. He reports the papers in the weekly meetings which he has read according to his research plan.
führt eine Disskussion über seinen Bericht mit dem Professor und mit den anderen Teilnehmern. Zur reibungslosen Diskussion muß der Referent die Thesen 2 Tage vorher auf die Homepage des Stuhls uploaden. Am Ende des Semesters legt der Teilmehmer einen Aufsatz vor, den er aufgrund seines Vortrages und der Diskussionen schreibt.
- 3. Basis of Criminal Procedure Law (Undergraduate School)
A course for the non-law students. The students must attend the lecture regularly. They take the mid-term and the final exam. They work furthermore on their homeworks twice.