Art. 1 (Object) The object of these 'Terms of Use' is to regulate rights and duties between the administrator of this homepage(hereinafter, "administrator") and members or visitors who read or use the information and services provided on the homepage of the Chair of Criminal justice at Pusan National University(hereinafter, "homepage").
Art. 2 (Definition) (1) The term "visitor" means any person who is connected to the web server that the homepage is installed, no matter by what method the connection is made.
(2) The term "member" means any person who has been connected to the homepage and has joined as a member, and uses the bulletin board installed on this homepage.
Art. 3 (Consent of Visitor) All visitors or members are regarded as consented on these Terms of Use at the time of connection to the account that the homepage is installed.
Art. 4 (Legal disputes out of Terms of Use) (1) Any relationship out of these Terms of Use is regulated by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
(2) For any law suits on disputes related to the use of this homepage, the court which has the jurisdiction over Pusan National University is the competent court.
Art. 5 (Information and Services provided) (1) The administrator provides information and services listed on following clauses.
- Information related to the Chair and the criminal justice.
- Management of the bulletin board for members and visitors to have on-line discussion
- Operation of networks that is essential for staffs of the Chair and graduate school students to conduct business and to do the research.
(2) The administrator provides all the services listed above through the web-browser, and '' is to be the address(URL) that these services to be provided.
(3) No services are provided through any method other than web(e.g. Gopher, Telnet, FTP).
Art. 6 (Free of Charge) (1) All services and information on this homepage are provided for free of charge.
(2) Despite the paragraph 1, the holer of copyrights or any other intellectual property rights(hereinafter, "holder of rights") may request for a cost to the visitors who would like to download his or her work.
(3) Even if the holder of rights wants to charge for downloads of his or her work according to the paragraph 2, he/she cannot request any cost for simply reading the work.
(4) Even if the holder of rights wants to charge for downloads of his or her work according to the paragraph 2, the administrator has no duty to collect the cost by proxy.
Art. 7 (Discontinuance of Operation) (1) The administrator may discontinue the operation of the homepage temporarily or close the homepage without any proffer of the excuse.
(2) The administrator has no responsibility over any damages of members or visitors caused by the discontinuance or the closure of the homepage according to the paragraph 1 of this article.
(3) In case of discontinuance or the closure of the homepage according to the paragraph 1, the administrator makes a notice to members and visitors according to the paragraph 2 of the article 19. However, if the administrator is not able to provide an advance notice without any responsible condition, the notice may not provided.
Art. 8 (Use of Homepage by non-Member) All visitors not logged in as a member may read or use any information and services, except listed on the article 9, without any limitation.
Art. 9 (Membership Service) (1) The administrator may let only members who logged in as a member read or use certain parts of services or information included on this homepage(Membership Service).
(2) The administrator has the authority to determine each member's membership level, and according to the membership level, the administrator can vest the different authorities to read or use on each information and services.
(3) The bulletin board installed on the homepage is operated by the membership system.
Art. 10 (Registration) (1) Any person who wants to become a member needs to register on the registration page installed in this homepage. However, the administrator may allow registrations via E-mail.
(2) The membership can be acquired by a approval of the administrator to the visitor's registration. When the administrator approves the registration, the administrator shall notify the approval on the bulletin board on the homepage or via E-mail.
(3) The administrator has the right to reject any approval (of registration) without any proffer of the excuse, even if the visitor has correctly registrated according to the paragraph 1 of this article.
(4) The administrator may approve the registration with determinating the level of the membership(Art. 9, par. 2).
(5) Members, in case of any change of the information on the registration, shall immediately correct the information changed.
Art. 11 (Secession and Disaffiliation) (1) Any member who wants to secede need to send an application of secession installed on the homepage. However, the administrator may allow secessions via E-mail.
(2) The administrator has the right to disaffiliate a member without any proffer of the excuse.
(3) The administrator has the right to change the level of membership and limit the capacity of the membership without any proffer of the excuse.
Art. 12 (Duties of the Administrator) (1) The administrator has a duty not to take any action that is forbidden by the laws of the Republic of Korea, the Terms of Use, and established social morals and customs.
(2) The administrator shall make best effort to continuously provide information and services.
Art. 13 (Protection of Privacy of Visitors) (1) The administrator shall make effort to protect the personal information of members and visitors include the information on the registrations according to any related legislations. Any personal information of visitors is protected according to any legislations and 'the policy of privacy protection' provided by the administrator.
(2) The administrator shall consider all technical and administrative measures needed to insure the safety of the personal information of members.
(3) The administrator cannot provide any personal information of members or visitors obtained in relation to the administration of the homepage to the third person(or party) without advance consent of the person him/herself. However, this paragraph is disregarded in case if;
- there exist(s) certain provision(s) on any legislations,
- any governmental organization requests in due process of law,
- the information is needed for the statistical analysis or scientific research, in this case the information shall be revised not to be able to recognize the specific person.
(4) The administrator has no responsibility if any person, who has collected the personal information provided to a person(except the administrator) to participate in any events or polls promoted through this homepage by a third person, divulges or takes an advantage of.
Art. 14 (Attribution of Copyright and Limitation of Use) (1) All copyrights and other intellectual property rights on any work of the administrator are attributed to the administrator.
(2) Both commercial and non-commercial use of, or any act of letting a third person or party use, the information acquired from this homepage by reprint, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcast or other methods are prohibited without consent of the administrator.
Art. 15 (Exemption Clause for the Administrator) (1) The administrator does not take any responsibility of any members or visitors not being able to reach their expected interest from, or any disadvantage caused by the use of, the information or services provided by the administrator.
(2) The administrator does not take any responsibility of any obstacle in the use of the information or services caused by members or visitors.
(3) The administrator does not take any responsibility of any content of the information transmitted or posted by members or visitors.
(4) The administrator does not take any responsibility of any business transaction via this homepage by members, visitors, or the third person or party.
Art. 16 (Duties of Visitors) (1) All members and visitors shall follow these Terms of Use and any related legislations.
(2) Members shall immediately report to the administrator in case of changes of the E-mail address or the phone number(Art. 10, Par. 5)
(3) Members and visitors shall follow the limitation on the use of the bulletin board determined by the administrator.
(4) Members and visitors shall not do following performances.
- Acts of making false report on the registration or the change of registration.
- Acts of using others' ID by stealth
- Acts of transmitting or posting any information(e.g. computer program) that the transmission or posting is prohibited by related legislations.
- Acts of harming the good public order and customs.
- Acts of infringing others' intellectual property rights or personality rights, or disturbing others' business.
- Acts of hacking that induces the misfunction of the information communication facility or the destruction of the information, or circulating the computer viruses.
- Acts of posting any commercial or any advertisement targeted to unspecified persons, or transmitting any spam(junk-mail).
- Acts of posting any posting, receiving and transmitting mass data that induce obstruction on the secure management of the services, and acts against sound use of the services.
- Acts of posting any positing or transmitting e-mails in disguise or by arrogating the administrator, or by using others' names.
- Acts of stalking or afflicting others.
- Acts of collecting, saving, or disclosing any personal information of other members or visitors.
- Acts that is prohibited by the policy or these terms of use determined by the administrator.
- Acts that is against related legislations.
(5) In case any members perform any act of previous paragraph, the administrator may limit his or her membership or disaffiliate him/her. In case the one who perform any act of previous paragraph is not one of the members, the administrator may refuse his or her consent for the possible application for the registration.
(6) Any member or visitor who, on his or her responsibility, has caused any damage to other members or visitors has a full liability to compensate for the damage.
Art. 17 (Duties on ID and Password) (1) Each members has a responsibility to manage his or her own ID and the password, except the case that the administrator has to take responsibility according to related legislation or to the Privacy Protection Policy.
(2) All members shall not allow the third person or party use their own IDs and the passwords.
(3) All members, when they become aware of the third person or party use their own IDs and the passwords, shall immediately report to the administrator and follow the instruction of the administrator.
Art. 18 (Deletion of Disclosed Posting) In case any posting on the bulletin board conform to one of following clauses, the administrator, without any advance notice, may delete the disclosed posting, and to take actions according to the article 11, paragraph 2, clause 3 to the writer.
- The content of the posting insults other(s) or injures other's(s') honor.
- The content of the posting circulates any information, document, or image that is against the established social morals and customs.
- The content that may be considered to be related to any criminal act.
- The content that damages other's(s') copyrights or other property rights.
- The content that is against any related legislations.
Art. 19 (Notice to Visitors) (1) In case the administrator gives a notice to a specified person, he or she may notify via E-mail.
(2) In case the administrator gives a notice to unspecified persons or person whose E-mail address is unknown, the administrator may supersede the personal notice with posting a notice on the homepage for more than 48 hours.
Art. 20 (Revision of the Terms of Use) (1) The administrator notifies these Terms of Use through the homepage.
(2) The administrator may revise the Terms of Use for the smooth management, and the revised Terms of Use shall be notifies seven days in advance to the effective date.
(3) In case the connection is made after the effective date of the revised Terms of Use, it is considered as consent to the revised Terms of Use.
ADDENDA These Terms of Use shall enter into force on the first day of September, anno Domini Two thousand and three.
Additional Clause These terms will go into effect September 1, 2003.